
McIlroy on Tiger: "I would love to face him"

August 20, 2010

What's remarkable about Rory McIlroy's Ryder Cup comments, made after finishing third at the PGA, is that by the standard of other sports, they're actually quite tame.

In the context of golf, though, they're at least eyebrow-raising. And when the subject is Tiger Woods, they're altogether incendiary.

Among the highlights:

"I'm sure we'll probably see him (Woods) in Wales," said McIlroy. "I would love to face him in the Ryder Cup. Unless his game rapidly improves in the next month or so, I think anyone in the European team would fancy his chances against him.

"There are a lot of Americans playing better than him at the minute, but it's always an advantage to have Tiger in your team.

Granted, there is very little about what the 21-year-old McIlroy said that anyone can honestly dispute. Problem is, the Ryder Cup is a good six weeks from now -- certainly long enough for Woods to regain his form. But not long enough for him to forget McIlroy's challenge.

*-- Sam Weinman