WM Phoenix Open

TPC Scottsdale (Stadium Course)


    Matt Jones hits ball into tent. Matt Jones goes into tent. Awesomeness ensues

    August 15, 2015

    HAVEN, Wis. -- Matt Jones might not win the PGA Championship at Whistling Straits. But he'll undoubtedly have one of the more memorable shots from the event.

    On the ninth hole, Jones went left. Okay...Jones went, "HOLY ******* FOREEEEEEEEEEE" left, with his tee ball flying into the hospitality tents.

    But, as we learned from Happy Gilmore, you have to play the ball where it lies.

    And that's exactly what Jones did:

    In case the shot wasn't enough to take your breath away, there was also this exchange between Jones and a patron:

    Fan: "Good luck!"

    Jones: "I'll be back!"

    Fan: "You will?"

    Jones: "Oh yeah!"

    But perhaps the moment was best summed up by CBS commentator David Feherty:

    "We either need a referee or an event planner."

    Down in the gallery off the ninth fairway, fans were loving it. Most a couple of adult drinks, kept shouting things at Jones like "pull a Phil Mickelson!" "Grab me a drink up there."

    Let's just say Jones did well to escape the ninth with a bogey.