
Justin Bieber gives Bubba Watson's son a lesson on the drums

February 18, 2016

Man, these kids of tour pros have it good, don't they? In addition to living comfortable lives, they also have access to hands-on lessons from experts in a wide array of fields.

Take Tatum Johnson, the 1-year-old son of Dustin Johnson. One week, Tatum is learning how to play hockey from The Great One himself. The next, he's getting putting advice from the world's best golfer. Must be nice.

And now, here's Caleb Watson getting a music lesson from one of the world's most famous entertainers, Justin Bieber:

OK, so we weren't aware the Biebs could even drum (Bubba couldn't get his little guy a session with someone like Dave Grohl?), but still, he's about the biggest name in music today, fresh off winning his first Grammy last week. And now, it looks like he's got another Bieleber.