Junior Camp Directory 2009
MID-ATLANTIC School, Address Dates, *Cost Features Bob Benning Junior
School of Golf
35271 Prestwick Court
Round Hill, VA 20141
www.benningolf.com One- to four-day sessions. $65-$80 per day. 14th year. Coed, 7-15. Dir. Bob Benning. Play Stoneleigh G.C. Motels. Coaches Purdue Golf School
Stewart Center, Room 110
West Lafayette, IN 47906
www.coachesgolfschool.com Two sessions, 6/9-13, 6/15-19. $1,190. 32nd year. Coed, 11-18. Dir. Devon Brouse. Staff of college coaches. Play Birck Boilermaker G. Complex. Dorms. FCA Junior Golf Camps
P.O. Box 664
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32004
www.fcagolf.org Six sessions, 6/21-25, Gongaware Academy, Franklin, Ind.; 6/29-7/3, Kutztown (Pa) Univ.; 7/12-15, Longaberger G.C., Nashport, Ohio; 7/13-17, Salisbury (Md.) Univ.; 6/27-7/1, Gongaware Academy, Franklin, Ind. (elite); $550-$650. 33rd year. Coed, 12-18. Dir. Dean Bouzeos. Staff of PGA, LPGA professionals, college golf coaches and PGA and LPGA Tour players. Hotels, resorts or dorms. 4 Star Summer Camps
P.O. Box 3387
Falls Church, VA 22043
800-334-7827; 703-866-4900
www.4starcamps.com One-week sessions, 6/21-7/31. $1,050 (board); $950 (day). 12th year. Coed, 8-17. Dir. Chris Dockrill. Golf coaches plus golf professionals. Motel. Green's Folly Golf Camp
Green's Folly G. Cse.
1085 Green's Folly Rd.
South Boston, VA 24592
434-572-4998; 800-337-4998
www.greensfolly.com One session, 7/26-30. $525. 20th year. Coed, 8-17. Dir. Chris Dockrill. Golf coaches plus golf professionals. Motel.
Mitchell Spearman Jr. Golf Camp
P.O. Box 202
Nyack, NY 10960
800-733-1653; 646-326-1106
www.spearmanjuniorgolf.com Weekly sessions, 6/30-8/14 (Doral Arrowhead, N.Y.); 7/6-8/14 (Rivervale, N.J.). $1,250 per week. 7th year. Coed, 7-16. Dir. Mitchell Spearman. Staff of golf professionals. Play area courses. Nike Jr. Golf Camps
750 Lindaro St.
Suite 220
San Rafael, CA 94901
www.ussportscamps.com Various locations and dates for resident camps. Lawrenceville School, N.J.; Shawnee G. Resort, Pa.; Indiana Univ.; Denison Univ., Ohio; Univ. of Dayton, Ohio; Rutgers Univ., N.J.; Univ. of Va.; Univ, of Md. Call for prices. 16th year. professionals and college players. Dorms. Additional weeklong, full-day and half-day programs available. Phone for information. Penn State Golf Camp
Penn State University
148E Bryce Jordan Center
University Park, PA 16802
www.psusportcamps.org Five sessions, 6/21-26, 7/5-10, 7/12-17. $780 (board), $685 (day). 6/18-20 (competitive team), $450 (board), $410 (day). 6/28-7/3 (competitive player), $780 (board), $685 (day). 32nd year. Coed, 10-17. Dirs. Denise St. Pierre, Greg Nye, Penn State coaches. Staff of professionals and Penn State varsity players. Dorms. Rick McCall Jr. Elite Camp
338 Troon Rd.
Dover, DE 19904
302-423-1195 One session, 7/27-31. $450. Day camp. 11th year. Coed, 13-17. Dir. Rick McCall. Staff of college golfers. Tom Hanna Jr.
Golf School for Juniors
22611 Indian Point Rd.
Bozman, MD 21612
www.hannagolf.com Four sessions, 6/28-7/1, 7/5-8, 7/12-15, 7/19-22. $995. 16th year. Coed, 12-18. Dir. Tom Hanna. Staff of professionals, college coaches. Play area courses. Dorms. University of Maryland Jr. Golf Camp
University Blvd., Bldg 166,
College Park, MD 20742
www.golf.umd.edu Four sessions, 6/22-25, 6/29-7/2, 7/6-9, 7/13-16. $350. Day camp. 51st year. Coed, 7-17. Dir. Brian Murphy. Staff of PGA professionals. Play university course. U.S. Golf Camps
P.O. Box 54
Olney, MD 20830
888-874-6535; 561-427-7044
www.usgolfcamps.com Various sessions, 6/14-8/7. $1,295 per week. 7th year. Coed, 8-18. Dir. Frank Mantua. Staff of professionals, college coaches. Play 9-hole Kiski Cse. in Saltsburg, Pa. Dorms.