
Jordan Spieth's post-round tweet proves he's the classiest guy around

July 20, 2015

After falling just short of a playoff that would've won him the British Open and put him just one leg away from the elusive Grand Slam, Jordan Spieth tweeted this:

He uses the words 'wow' and 'almost' where a lot of us would've used strung together some choice words of the four-letter variety.

And look what time he tweeted that: Just a short while after he finished his round. After a loss like that, it should take a few days before being capable of clear, reasonable thoughts.

And of the winner? Nothing but compliments. He even hung around and watched the playoff go down.

He could've stormed off. He could've not said anything about the tournament to anyone until next week, and no one would've blamed him.

But he didn't.

Instead, he handled it with the class that's beginning to define Jordan Spieth. And for that, we applaud him.