Johnny Waterbottle: Manziel heckled at the Nelson
In the wake of Sergio Garcia's recent fan harrassment at the Players, the golf world is extra sensitive to alcohol-induced heckling of celebrities. Therefore the latest news of former Heisman Trophy winner and current Cleveland Browns QB Johnny Manziel experiencing a loudmouth at the Nelson keeps the issue on our radars, even if there is mildly comedic element to the story.
TMZ followed up on social media reports that the brash QB and big golf fan was seen talking to police after an alleged incident involving one of his buddies. But TMZ has since followed up with an update saying Manziel told officers he was heckled by an 18-year-old autograph seeker who Johnny Football had declined to sign for. Manziel's agent also confirmed this account to the Cleveland Plain Dealer.
No arrests were made and all reports suggest Manziel was in no way intoxicated. Just irritated.