How to keep your golf bag dry in the rain
My part of the country is now more than a year into one of its longest droughts ever. Gary, our terrific superintendent, has done a remarkable job of keeping our course in great condition, but you can tell that we need rain. Here's what the creek that feeds our irrigation pond looks like:

Here's what the same creek looked like exactly three years ago, when we had the opposite problem:

The ideal, of course, would be something in between. Anyway, on a recent Sunday we finally got a semi-decent amount of rain, and I was able to test my new Rain Tek bag-and-pushcart cover:

It's easy to put on -- you don't need to remove your bag from your pushcart to do it -- and it has zippered openings that let you reach through to the pockets in your bag. The top is stiffened with foam and has a handle, so it's easy to open and close:

When you play in the rain, it's impossible to keep almost any of your stuff from becoming at least slightly wet, but using a bag cover shortens the post-round drying time considerably.