Hero World Challenge

Albany GC


    Here's another golf teaching robot (maybe the machines actually are taking over)

    January 22, 2014

    ORLANDO -- Yesterday, we came across a robot designed specifically to teach you how to swing a golf club. Today, we came across another robot, one crafted to groove whatever putting and chipping strokes you'd like.

    The RoboPutt retails for $25,000 or for $750 a month, if you'd prefer to lease. You can also purchase individual lessons designed by the likes of Dave Pelz and other instructors, each costing around $20.

    Like the RoboGolfPro, it's geared towards courses and academies who can afford the expensive price tag.

    "We've been a company for about three years, but mostly in the Research & Development stage," Joseph Sery, the company's CEO, said. "In the last quarter we've brought this to market and it's encouraging...we're hoping this can draw more people into getting quick lessons without a big expense or time commitment."
