The Genesis Invitational

Torrey Pines Golf Course (South Course)


    Golfers Who Give Back: Holiday Wish List Drive

    November 23, 2016

    Evangelist Billy Graham once said, "The only time my prayers are never answered is on the golf course." It's a sentiment most golfers can relate to. It's also one we might be able to change this holiday season.

    Golf Digest would like to launch the Golfers Who Give Back: Holiday Wish List Drive. The initiative is simple. We want to inform and galvanize our generous community toward those who aren't as fortunate. We are asking readers to send in requests or stories regarding individuals or groups with a golf-related wish: The more interesting the story and the more compelling the need, the more likely we'll feature your suggestion.

    Perhaps you know of a fledgling school program in need of equipment, uniforms or practice facilities. Maybe someone in your area lost their home to a fire or flood, and a new set of clubs could help return a sense of normalcy. It could be that your local starter has never had the means to attend a major, or a loved one that's battling illness or tragedy really wants to meet a certain professional player. Whatever the aspiration or desire, we want to hear about the story and the need.

    The best of the best we'll share with you. The goal is to motivate our community to assist in the efforts. Maybe one of the stories you will read is happening in your backyard, and you want to donate resources or time to the endeavor. Or the report in question is halfway across the globe, but you feel compelled to lend a hand. Golfers being golfers have a heart.

    If you know of someone that qualifies for the Holiday Wish List Drive, please send us your submissions to with the subject title "Wish List."

    Because there's nothing better than an answered prayer on the golf course. Especially if you're the one granting the wish.