3M Open

TPC Twin Cities



June 20, 2009

FARMINGTON, N.Y. -- Players continue to ask themselves what day, round or hole it is at the 109th U.S. Open. What a long, strange trip it's been. And it's not over yet.


"We can't even remember what day we're playing. It just all blurs together." -- Tiger Woods, on the frustrating start-and-stop nature of the rain-plagued tournament.

"Every day is kind of blending in. It's the most I've ever hit range balls, it's unbelievable." -- Bubba Watson

"It's Groundhog Day." -- David Duval

"It's just awkward you're going to play the final round of the U.S. Open on two days in two different types of conditions. Tomorrow I think it's supposed to be windy. It's just weird. It doesn't feel like a U.S. Open." -- Hunter Mahan

"England is quite nice at the moment. This is shocking." -- Ross Fisher, when asked about the rainy weather this week

"I don't care when we play the 18 holes as long as we play them, and I know we will. Whether we play later today or tomorrow, everybody has got to deal with the same physical and mental obstacles." -- Phil Mickelson, looking forward to completing the final round

"I think if you don't have a little bit of nerves when you're in the heat of competition and especially in the last group, you're not human." -- Ricky Barnes, on the pressure of leading the U.S. Open

On playing on Father's Day:

"I frankly didn't think about it today. It's just been so screwy, I barely remember it's Sunday." -- Duval

On Lucas Glover or Ricky Barnes winning their first major:

"Some people come through with flying colors, some people don't. We'll find out tomorrow." -- Duval

Wives expecting:

"Yes, I chatted to him the first couple of days. I said I've got one on the way and he said congratulations and he was like, 'How about you?' Obviously he's got two and he's got one on the way.

"I said, 'Oh, when is she due?' He said, 'Right about now.' '' -- Fisher, whose wife is due with their first child during next month's British Open, discussing conversations with playing partner Sean O'Hair

Fans a big hit:

"It's awesome. The people here, it's just incredible. It made the whole round enjoyable, the whole week.

"I've heard some great lines. And the people are a lot of fun. The best ones I can't repeat but they keep us laughing." -- Mickelson

"Well, they had a little bit to sip I think. They had plenty of time in that rain delay. And think they took full advantage of it.

"They are fine. As long as they get all excited like that, it is just fine, just as long as you don't yell when we are swinging, which the fans haven't been. They have been great. They have been very courteous of us playing and very respectful, and very vocal." -- Woods, who was amused how enthused the fans were after the re-start Saturday night, but overall, loves playing in front of the New York fans

"The crowds are definitely different in New York but I think it's good and gets you going as players. I certainly enjoy a wee bit of energy and shouting and the players like to get involved with that." -- Graeme McDowell

Mark Soltau is a contributing editor to Golf Digest and the editor of TigerWoods.com.