Golf IQ

Keeping a golf swing journal could really help you—here's why


Nora Carol Photography

April 30, 2024

During the offseason, for no real reason in particular, I opened the notes app on my phone after a productive range session and jotted down a few notes.

In the months since that note has expanded, and has become perhaps the most important golf-related item in my phone. So helpful that I started asking pros if they do it, and the more I asked around, the more I realized how common it is.

"I have a folder in my phone full of videos," Justin Thomas told me earlier this year. "Full swings, putting strokes, different things I like."

JT says he periodically checks back on those swings periodically, which is the main point—and benefit—of starting a golf swing journal. Jot down a few golf swing thoughts, feels, and reminders for your golf swing. Then, consult those notes before and after each range session.

It doesn't need to be complicated stuff. Here's an example of an entry in mine:

Posture: Legs straight, upper body closer to ground, tilt from hips, right elbow tucked in. Weight more on toes. Grip end in line with belt and hands under shoulders.

The more diligent you are about it, the more you'll find it has a few benefits:

  • It keeps you focused on what to work on.
  • It reminds you of what worked in the past.
  • It'll help you communicate with your coach.
  • It helps you get the most out of your lessons.

Anyway, I've found it helpful, and something to consider for yourself.

It's something we get into in the latest episode of the Golf IQ podcast, which you can listen to below (and subscribe to here).