
Golf Digest Podcast: What makes for good TV golf?

January 20, 2016

The news over the weekend that Greg Norman would not be retained as Fox Sports' lead golf analyst opened the door for all sorts of speculation on who should replace him.

But it also raises a more difficult question: What makes for good TV golf? Yes, an interesting tournament is vital. Without it, you could pair Bobby Jones and Ben Hogan in the booth and it wouldn't make a difference. Beyond that, though, elements like announcers, graphics, camera work are all essential to making golf, widely considered the most difficult sport to broadcast, compelling TV.

In this week's Golf Digest Podcast, Golf Digest's Jaime Diaz, Sam Weinman, and Alex Myers discuss who they'd like to see replace Norman, what they look for in a good announcer, and how they'd broadcast golf on TV if they were in charge.