Golf clothing tip inspired by March Madness: compression socks
My ankles started bothering me shortly after the end of the past golf season. Various possible explanations occurred to me: tendonitis, arthritis, my father's legs (poor circulation), my mother's legs (peripheral neuropathy), too much deskwork (ha!), advancing age, incipient varicose veins (leading current theory). I read something somewhere about compression socks, and bought a version intended for runners, from a company called Vitalsox. They're knee-height and they're a little tricky to put on, but they immediately made my ankles feel 80-95 percent better.

So what the hell? All sorts of athletes wear them, including college basketball players, and they're supposed to be good for people who are stuck in too-small seats on long flights, like the one that eleven golf buddies and I are about to take to Ireland. I've now got four long pairs and four quarter-height pairs (meant for tennis players), and I’m about to order more. The only bad thing about them is that I can’t (that is to say, I won’t) wear them with shorts. But who knows? Maybe I’ll change my mind about that, too.

I’m not crazy about revealing what they look like on my actual legs, so you’ll have to use your imagination.