
Fuzzy Zoeller gets off cheap in big bet with John Daly

May 06, 2016

According to John Daly, Fuzzy Zoeller owed him $150,000 as soon Daly turned 50 last Thursday -- the result of a bet made long ago after the two enjoyed a long night out at the Masters. So you might expect a bit of awkwardness on Friday when the two were paired together for the first round of the Insperity Invitational. Not so much.

When Daly told USA Today about the bet, he also said that he would accept a bottle of Fuzzy Zoeller's personal line of vodka instead. Why? For one thing, they're good friends. For another, they never shook on it.

Zoeller wasted no time taking JD up on his offer, handing him a bottle of vodka before the pair teed off with Peter Jacobson in Daly's PGA Tour Champions debut:

It was a win-win for Zoeller, who got off cheap and also got free publicity for his vodka. Besides wearing those outrageous pants.