Grip Solid for a solid grip
For those who like their training aids simple, here's the Grip Solid, which features a thin rubber strap with a raised flexible bar (called the Flex-Bar, appropriately enough) that attaches via Velcro around your own glove and is designed to do two things: To properly position the club in your hand and to help achieve the proper grip pressure.
"It's really quite simple," the developer Michael Newman said. "It makes sure the club is positioned down in your fingers. As you're swinging, the bars are flexible and if you're gripping the club too tightly you'll feel the bars compressing in your hand."
Newman is a computer programmer by trade and went to art school. "I'm always noodling with different kinds of things," he said. The Grip Solid was an idea he developed several years ago, he said, but he did nothing with it other than to give to friends. "They found it started to work very well for them," Newman said. "I thought, 'wow, this works.'"
For now, Grip Solid is available only via the Internet and sells for $19.95. He said the company will be exhibiting at the PGA Fall Expo in Las Vegas in August in an effort to introduce his product to retailers.
-- John Strege