
Five questions for Paula Creamer

January 28, 2011

Five questions for LPGA star Paula Creamer, who was on hand at the PGA Merchandise Show:

1.  Have you ever played golf in jeans? Once, when I was fifteen years old. It was a team AJGA event where my partner and I dressed up like hippies. It was fun but it felt so weird. We actually played really well.

2. You've never played Augusta National, but will you play as your own character in the EA Sports Tiger Woods 2012 video game? I'm actually going to play there this year. I'm so excited. I might play the video game first to check out the course, but I won't play as my own character. They have my mannerisms for pouting after a bad shot down too, well, the way I'll stand with my hands on my hips, and I don't want to hit see that.

3. Have you ever broken a club in anger? Never in anger, but I've broken a club against a tree before trying to hit an escape shot.

4. Have you ever purchased tees? Yes! When I was about 10 or 11 I used to buy neon pink tees and save them to use only in tournaments. That's part of why I loved golf so much. Golf stuff gave me so many opportunities to get things in pink.

5.What's the most money you've ever lost gambling on a golf course? Not much. I usually win.

-- *Max Adler  *