Fitness Friday: How to make a great golf swing blindfolded
Many golf swings lack proper timing, coordination and rhythm simply because the person doing the swinging lacks good proprioception. If you're not familiar with the term, the easiest way to understand proprioception is to close your eyes and try to touch your nose. Assuming you haven't had a few too many, you should be able to come very close to your target. You're able to do this because sensors on and in your body allow you to have a general awareness of where body parts are in relation to each other and other things in space without having to see them. This is called proprioception.
Proprioception is inherent, however it can be improved upon—especially when trying to perform a sophisticated activity like swinging a golf club, says Graeme Lauriston, physical therapist for the cutting edge fitness company Exos. Lauriston directs the company's golf-training program at their flagship gym in Phoenix. The golf swing requires good proprioception because it's impossible to watch the movements of every body part involved and watch the ball. You need to have a general awareness of where things such as your feet, hips, arms and club are without the benefit of sight to confirm it.
With that in mind, Lauriston says there are two body-weight exercises you can do that will improve your awareness of body movements when you swing. Click on the video below to see a demonstration.