
Final Nabisco images

April 04, 2010



***[#image: /photos/55ad91cdadd713143b4314c9]|||GDWsunglasses.gif|||*A Tseng family friend goes fishing for Yani Tseng's caddie's sunglasses, which were lost in the victory bath in Poppy's Pond. **


**[#image: /photos/55ad91cdb01eefe207f75ebb]|||GDWkimbaby.gif||| Christina Kim may have missed the cut on Friday, but she stuck around for the weekend to help cheer on her friends and take pictures with babies in the gallery.


**[#image: /photos/55ad91cdb01eefe207f75ebe]|||GDWtsengparents.gif|||Mama Tseng got wet, too. Luckily her daughter had a new robe to lend her.


**[#image: /photos/55ad91cdadd713143b4314cd]|||GDWbleachers2.gif|||Nothing like an earthquake to clear the bleachers of post-round stragglers.


*--Stina Sternberg