The Genesis Invitational

Torrey Pines Golf Course (South Course)


    Early reaction to Tiger's defeat

    August 16, 2009

    Reactions to the PGA Championship, the first of 15 majors when Tiger Woods did not win after holding a 54-hole lead, were quick to come. We'll have more, but here are a couple from Golf World readers on Sunday night:


    Dear Editor,>

    Having just watched the 91st PGA Championship, I was disappointed that Tiger Woods did not win his 15th major. However, although Tiger's win would've been great for American golf, Y.E. Yang's win is prophetic for worldwide golf. Besides building on the current golf boom in Asia (predominantly South Korea), Y.E. Yang's win may have swayed the IOC to include golf in a future Olympics. If so, golf will see growth across all continents which is a win-win for worldwide golf!>

    Berith Jacobsen>




    Dear Editor,


    Tiger does not speak to CBS in defeat and heads straight to the locker room. His "I'll take my ball and go home" attitude disrespects the remarkable performance of the winner Yang, and the traditions of our great game. We want to hear what you have to say, Tiger, and we pay you handsomely for it. Tiger may end up with all the records, but he lacks the grace of past champions, Nicklaus, Palmer and modern day Mickelson.

    Thank you for the opportunity to comment,

    William F. Rieckhoff Jr.

    Cedar Rapids, IA

    Tiger may not have talked to CBS--60 Minutes came on before anyone, including Yang, had a chance to comment in the East--but he sat for a press room interview, which is available at Here's's Tommy Bonk on Tiger's desire to leave the scene of defeat.

    And his response to the first question of the day was not what you'd call petulant.

    Q. Is there part of you that you do feel as if YE won this tournament or do you feel there's a part of you that lost this tournament?

    TIGER WOODS: It's both. I mean, I certainly -- as I say, I was in control of the tournament most of the day. I was playing well, hitting the ball well. I was making nothing, but still either tied for lead or ahead. And Y.E. played great all day. I don't think he really missed a shot all day. He just made that mistake at 17. But other than that, he hit it great all day. And it was a fun battle. Unfortunately, I just didn't make the putts when I needed to make them.

    --Bob Carney