The Genesis Invitational

Torrey Pines Golf Course (South Course)


    Donald Trump posted a 68 in October on his GHIN account, first counting score of his presidency

    November 02, 2017

    Saul Loeb/Getty Images

    The numbers vary somewhat as to the how many days Donald Trump is believed to have spent at golf courses since beginning his presidency. has it a 73, with at least 33 rounds played. is at 71. NBC’s golf tracker has him up to 76 visits. And has him at 34 golf outings.

    Yet with the latest GHIN report released on Nov. 1, there’s a new number to pay attention to: 68. As in the score that Trump posted to his GHIN account for a round played in October, the first score Trump has counted for handicapping purposes since moving into the White House and the first at all since June 2016.


    Exactly where and with whom he played that day are unclear as Trump has it listed as an “away” round. The rating and slope are different (and significantly lower) than any other among his latest scores to post. It’s also the lowest score that Trump has posted by two strokes among his last 20 counting scores.

    It has been reported that Trump played golf with Senator Lindsay Graham on Oct. 14 and Senator Rand Paul on Oct. 15. It was also widely reported that Trump shot a 73 when playing a round on Oct. 9. All three rounds were at Trump National G.C. in Virginia.

    The score did drop his official handicap index from 2.8 to 2.5, the first time his handicap has moved in at least a year.