Cigar holder of choice for golf's 'world's most interesting man'

(Getty Images)
Those watching the PGA Championship on TNT on Sunday morning might have seen a close-up of a cigar in some sort of golf ball cigar holder staked in the ground. When the camera zoomed out, there was its owner, Miguel Angel Jimenez, warming up on the practice tee.
"That explains my order line exploding yesterday [Sunday]," Hole-In-One Cigar Holder designer Steve Naples said, heretofore puzzled by the sudden burst of interest in his product.
Jimenez, of course, has been dubbed in golf circles the most interesting man in the world. "I look at him and I think, 'wine, Ferraris, cigars.' That's it," CBS' Gary McCord said earlier in the week.
The Hole-In-One Cigar Holder technically does not qualify as New Stuff, given that it's been around since the '90s. But Jimenez has given it new life, beginning with his using it on the practice tee at the British Open last month (where the photo above was taken).
"When he used it at the British Open, my order line started going at 1 a.m. and exploded," Naples said. "I called my web guy and said, 'I think someone is hacking my system.'"
The product can be purchased through the Hole-In-One Cigar Holder website here and sells for $3.95.