
Better late than never for Martin's mom

August 29, 2009

TULSA, OKLA.--Ben Martin's dad,Jim, has been with his son all week, working as his caddie. His mother,Suzie, though didn't arrive at Southern Hills until this morning, although not for a lack of trying.

After Martin's quarterfinal victory Friday, Suzie was set to arrive in Tulsa last night, taking a flight from South Carolina and connecting through Houston. Bad weather in both South Carolina and Houston forced the first flight to have to detour to Beaumont, Texas, to be refueled. By the time it finally arrived in Houston, Suzie had missed her connection to Tulsa.

After spending the night in Houston, Suzie finally got to Tulsa this morning, and arrived on the course when her son's match was on the seventh hole. The good news: Ben was 4-up on__Charlie Holland__ at the time.