3M Open

TPC Twin Cities


Ballesteros addresses past champions via video

July 14, 2010

Seve Ballesteros' absence from St. Andrews this week has cast a greater pall over the Open than any cold front ever could. At home in Spain, too weak to travel, the ailing Ballesteros had hoped to appear this week as part of the Open Championship's 150th Anniversary celebration.

Instead Ballesteros had to settle for a brief videotaped address to his fellow former champions at their dinner Tuesday night. Although it was never said outright, it was more than implied that Ballesteros did not look well.

"It was sad to see him," Tom Watson said. "He's obviously struggling at this point, and it's sad to see that...It's sad to see where he is right now, but what a wonderful record he had."

-- Sam Weinman