
Augusta National passion: A 12th-hole garden and a Twitter countdown to the Masters

January 17, 2017

Augusta National, which ranks high, if not No. 1, on most golfers’ bucket lists, undeniably evokes passions that manifest themselves in interesting ways.

Like frequent Tweeter Scott Wille, who with some regularity counts down on Twitter the hours until the Masters starts, as shown here over the last two days:

Then there is Lloyd Glasscock, who designed this garden for the Northwest Flower & Garden Show in Seattle last year:


It was called “A Tribute to Hole 12 at Augusta.” Glasscock is not a golfer, but the general manager of the show, Jeff Swenson, is. The theme of the show was “America the Beautiful,” and the designers of the gardens were encouraged to incorporate American landmarks into their designs.

Swenson suggested a golf course and Augusta National, with its renowned flora, was an obvious choice. Glasscock went with it.

Incidentally, those who attend the Northwest Flower & Garden Show (scheduled for Feb. 22-26 this year) occasionally ask a garden designer to put an exact replica in their own backyards.

It hasn’t happened with Glasscock’s tribute to the 12th hole at Augusta, but given the aforementioned passions for which Augusta National is responsible, it seems a natural.