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    Arraignment in Tiger Woods' DUI case delayed

    June 15, 2017

    Tiger Woods’ arraignment on DUI charges has been delayed according to documents filed Thursday in a Florida court.

    The original hearing was schedule for July 5, but has been postponed until Aug. 9, according to the Associated Press. No specific reason was cited for the delay.

    Woods was found asleep in the driver’s seat of his Mercedes-Benz in the early morning of May 29. The car was found to have damage to its bumpers, tires and tail light. Woods showed no signs of alcohol through breath tests he took while in police custody. In a statement, Woods said that he had an “unexpected reaction to prescribed medications.”

    In police reports, Woods told officers among the medications he was taking were Vicodin and Xanax. Results from a toxicology test taken that evening have yet to come back. Those results will likely direct which way local prosecutors will handle the case.

    Golf Digest spoke with attorneys last month well-versed in DUI cases in the area and familiar with the details of Woods’ arrest. They said based on the toxicology report, the state’s attorney is likely to go in one of four directions. In laymen’s terms, he can proceed with the case as a regular DUI offense; can file for more severe charges; seek a lesser charge, such as reckless driving; or not bring any charges at all.