And the Jackass of the Week goes to: Guy who jump-kicks woman at co-ed kickball game
There are three, and only three, types of men who sign up for co-ed kickball:
-- Single guys desperate to meet women
-- Whipped guys forced into playing by their significant other
-- Psychopaths who haven't come to terms with being fourth-string punter on the JV football squad all those years ago
Although we don't have any information on the video besides what you see in the clip, we're taking a shot in the dark this jackass belongs in Category No. 3:
Notice how he makes sure he's touching the bag before attending to the woman he knocked out. Veteran move.
We're not as much surprised this happened but that zero of the poor woman's teammates came rushing to defend her honor after getting full Ray Fosse'd. That's a kickball squad with clubhouse issues if you're asking us.
Ideally this viral video shames the perpetrator in question. Sadly, he's probably too busy typing out a team-wide email calling for an emergency practice before next week's game for a run-through of call signs and signals to notice.