Golfers who live in New York City belong to one of two groups: those who own a car and those who don't. Those in the latter group essentially have one option when it comes to practice facilities: the driving range at Chelsea Piers. For car-less golfers who live in Manhattan, Chelsea Piers became the ultimate blessing on Tuesday morning when Webb Simpson, the 2012 U.S. Open champ, dropped by without notice.
Simpson, who's in town to compete in the Barclays at Plainfield CC, gave lessons to unsuspecting golfers for two hours and he really got into it. He gave some golfers drills they could do to help them perfect their swings, and at one point he crouched down to really study a guy's alignment. Golf Digest documented some of the lessons via Snapchat, and you can check it all out in the video below. Simpson even made some time for you by offering his tip for keeping your head still.
Thanks, Simpson, for making the New York City golf experience a whole lot cooler.
[Follow Golf Digest on Snapchat at golfdigestmag for more cool behind-the-scenes videos.]