This camera will capture every moment of your golf swing
LAS VEGAS -- The easiest thing to do if you want to snap a photo on the golf course is grab your phone. And there's no doubt that cameras on smartphones these days have incredible capabilities. But if you want the highest-resolution, highest-quality image, don't give up on digital SLRs. [#image: /photos/55ad72d3b01eefe207f696ed]|||nikon-front-518.jpg|||
Nikon's AW1 ($750), which is on display this week at CES, comes with all the bells and whistles of today's best DSLRs (it's WiFi enabled, it captures full HD video and shoots images at 60 frames per second), but two of its features really stand out from a golfer's point of view: First, it's waterproof and shockproof (oh, you submerged it under 49 feet of water? NO PROBLEM.); second, its "slow view" feature allows you to capture, say, an entire golf swing, then slow down the clip to select a perfectly timed shot. Gone are the days when you fall short of snapping a perfect photo because you pressed the shutter either too prematurely or too late.[#image: /photos/55ad72d3b01eefe207f696f2]|||nikon-back-518.jpg|||