FIT THE CLUB: Going uphill, most golfers push the handle forward to avoid hitting the ball too high. To counter this, make sure the back edge of the sole is on the ground.SET YOUR BODY: With the club correctly soled, take your address position. You want the butt of the grip pointing between your zipper and left hip, as it does on a normal shot, with the ball forward.← SWING: Shots from uphill lies tend to fly higher (and shorter) and go left, so take more club and aim right. Swing up the slope.
FIT THE CLUB: The tendency on a downslope is to drop the handle back to try to add loft to the clubface. Make sure the club's leading edge is flush to the ground.SET YOUR BODY: Again, build your setup around the correctly soled club. Point the butt of the grip between your zipper and left hip, and play the ball farther back than normal.← SWING: Shots from downhill lies tend to fly lower and go right, so take less club and aim left. Swing down the slope, and don't try to help the ball in the air.
FIT THE CLUB: From this sideslope, the clubhead will tend to sit on its toe, so when you sole it be sure the heel touches the ground.SET YOUR BODY: In effect, the angle of this slope makes the club longer, so stand taller and grip down an inch or two on the handle. The shaft will be more horizontal at address.← SWING: The club moves more around your body, which creates more clubface rotation and can cause a right-to-left shot. Aim farther right to compensate. Also, expect a lower flight and more roll.
FIT THE CLUB: The clubhead will tend to rest on its heel. Raise the grip so the toe is on the ground.SET YOUR BODY: The ground sloping away from you effectively shortens the club. Bend more from your hips and tilt your upper body forward to reach the ball. The shaft will be more vertical.← SWING: The club moves more up and down, with less face rotation, which can produce a left-to-right shot. To allow for this curve to the right, aim farther left. Expect a higher ball flight and less roll.