Best golf courses near Concord, NC
Below, you’ll find a list of courses near Concord, NC. There are 15 courses within a 15-mile radius of Concord, 10 of which are public courses and 5 are private courses. There are 15 18-hole courses and nine-hole layouts.
The above has been curated through Golf Digest’s Places to Play course database, where we have collected star ratings and reviews from our 1,900 course-ranking panelists. Join our community by signing up for Golf Digest+ and rate the courses you’ve visited recently.

In the backdrop of the Charlotte Motor Speedway, Dan Maples routed Rocky River Golf Club in 1997 through rocky hills and natural wetlands. The humming of racecars doing laps around the track—visible from holes on the front nine—can be heard while navigating the rolling layout. Though North Carolina boasts some of the best public golf anywhere, Charlotte isn’t necessarily as blessed—but Rocky River might be the best option closest to the city.
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In the backdrop of the Charlotte Motor Speedway, Dan Maples routed Rocky River Golf Club in 1997 through rocky hills and natural wetlands. The humming of racecars doing laps around the track—visible from holes on the front nine—can be heard while navigating the rolling layout. Though North Carolina boasts some of the best public golf anywhere, Charlotte isn’t necessarily as blessed—but Rocky River might be the best option closest to the city.
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