New tech
MyTaylorMade+: TaylorMade's best new thing might not be a club or ball

While it’s easy to say that the hottest new product from TaylorMade was the introduction of its carbon composite-faced Stealth driver, the company’s most important new product might be the one that comes this week, and it will never hit a drive, roll a putt or fly through the air. It isn’t even technically a physical object.
The company is launching a revitalized app called MyTaylorMade+, which will be offered in both free and paid versions. The basic format of MyTaylorMade+ is to provide users not only with product information about the company’s clubs and balls, but to provide a home to those interested in getting instruction, fitness, game analytics and clubfitting opportunities from TaylorMade-affiliated experts. The app also will provide users the opportunity for a try-then-buy experience, as well as early access to deals on special TaylorMade clubs and accessories, including tour-exclusive products.
It is an effort to embrace and develop a TaylorMade golf community that all brands in many industries are increasingly exploring in the digital space. Specifically, though, TaylorMade’s effort is about providing more tools—beyond clubs and balls—for average golfers to use to become better players.
“In reality, the inspiration came not only from our consumers but from our tour players,” said Nick Robbie, TaylorMade’s director of emerging opportunities. “They have big teams behind them. Coaches, sport psychologists, fitness experts, fitters, really all of those elements to help them be the best players they can be. They literally have access to anything and everything. So really the hypothesis behind this for us has been, how can we take that concept and apply it to the everyday golfer? How do we give them access to a team that’s dedicated to help them be the best player they can be, too?”

MyTaylorMade+ will work on three pricing structures. The first level, which is free, allows users access to instructional content from Rick Sessinghaus, top-rated instructor and the teacher who works with TaylorMade staffer Collin Morikawa. As well, there will be access to club fitting, digital scorekeeping and handicap, and free shipping for TaylorMade orders.
The Champion level, which will retail for $13 per month, includes those above elements, as well as access to try-then-buy program for TaylorMade drivers and personalized game analytics and insights.
The Legend level, which will retail for $25 per month, includes personalized swing video analysis and teaching, as well.
Both the pay levels include exclusive access to TaylorMade product drops, notably what TaylorMade calls Tour Trash. This collection references product designed specifically to be played on tour that will be given away in a sweepstakes.

All of those elements ultimately, though, are about a consumer-brand interaction that goes beyond whatever product purchase might have initially been made, Robbie said.
“We felt like there was an opportunity for us as a brand that we could really venture into a wider space where we could satisfy the golfer’s needs,” he said. “The interesting thing we’re hearing from consumers is that expectation that TaylorMade just builds products that go further and straighter no longer is sufficient. They expect a lot more from the brand.”
MyTaylorMade+ is available in the Apple App Store and Google Play.