Our Money Survey

__ If you had to live without one of the following for an entire year, which would you choose?__
a) A family vacation 41%
b) Dining out__34%__
c) Cable TV__19%__
d) Golf__6%__
How has the price of gas affected your golf?
a) I'm playing more rounds closer to home__27%__
b) I'm playing fewer rounds__22%__
c) I'm carpooling more often__6%__
d) It hasn't affected my golf habits__45%__
__ What's the most you would ever spend for a golf shirt?__
a) $50__33%__
b) $75__26%__
c) $30__24%__
d) $100-plus__13%__
e) $9.99__4%__
You can afford only one of the following this year. Which do you choose?
a) Twenty rounds at your home course__81%__
b) Four days of golf and three nights in Myrtle Beach 11%
c) One day/night of golf and lodging at Pebble Beach__8%__
__ For $500, which would you choose?__
a) A lesson with Butch Harmon__29%__
b) A new set of clubs, bag included__27%__
c) Drinks and dinner with Arnold Palmer__19%__
d) A quick lunch with Tiger Woods__13%__
e) Walking inside the ropes at the U.S. Open__12%__
__ Which amount spent on golf would you keep from your spouse?__
a) $400 green fee__55%__
b) $50 in gambling losses on the course__23%__
c) $300 driver__14%__
d) $100 caddie fee__8%__
33% would need at least $3 million in savings before they would quit their job to play golf whenever they want.'
__ Whom would you pay $50 to watch play golf anywhere?__
a) Tiger Woods__47%__
b) Natalie Gulbis__6%__
c) Phil Mickelson__4%__
d) John Daly__2%__
e) All of the above__27%__
f) None of the above__14%__
__ Which do you consider the best value in golf today?__
a) $5 pullcart 54%
b) $25 riding cart 29%
c) $50 caddie__17%__
__ How much on top of a green fee would you be willing to pay for a guaranteed three-hour round?__
a) $10__24%__
b) $25 16%
c) $50__6%__
d) $100 2%
e) Not a penny more__52%__
__ How much would you have to have in savings before you'd quit your job and play golf whenever you wanted? In other words, what's your number?__
a) $3 million__33%__
b) $5 million__21%__
c) $1 million__18%__
d) $10 million 17%
e) $500,000__7%__
f) I love my job too much to quit 4%
__ How much would you pay for the hot driver everyone is talking about?__
a) $300__23%__
b) $150__7%__
c) $500__6%__
d) I've got to have it, whatever it costs__2%__
e) I'll wait a year and buy it at a discount__62%__
__ Your group just finished 18 holes at an upscale daily-fee course, and a worker takes a few minutes to wipe off your clubs. How much do you tip him?__
a) $2 a bag__43%__
b) $5 a bag__41%__
c) $1 a bag__7%__
d) I'm supposed to tip him?9%
__ A bucket of range balls costs $10 to hit off mats. For $5 more, you can hit off real grass. Do you pay the extra $5?__
a) Yes__59%__
b) No__41%__
__ You're invited to join three private clubs in your area, but you can choose only one. Annual fees are about the same, but initiation fees vary greatly. Where do you join?__
a) For $100,000 you can join one of America's 100 Greatest Courses 7%
b) For $40,000 you can join one of the top-10 courses in your state__11%__
c) For $7,000 you can join an unranked but very nice private course__39%__
d) I'll stick with my local muny, thanks__43%__
__ You're on a buddies golf trip, and rooms cost $50 per person if you have a roommate. How much extra would you pay for the only single room?__
a) $25__12%__
b) $50__14%__
c) $100__4%__
d) I'll outbid everyone__3%__
e) I'm perfectly happy to share a room__67%__