Golf is Life
One man's hole-in-one sparks debate over proper post-ace bar tab etiquette
One of golf's traditions is that the person who makes a hole-in-one buys the drinks after. It's a somewhat odd tradition considering most people would expect it to work the other way, but it's a tradition nevertheless. Just how many drinks the lucky golfer is expected to buy, however, is where things get murky.
A golfer recently found this out after hitting the shot of his life. And he seemed to go above and beyond with his post-ace activities, treating his foursome to not only drinks, but dinner as well. What a guy, right?
Well, apparently, not everyone felt that way. Turns out, the hole-in-one was made during a weekly league. And the guy who runs the league was big mad that this golfer didn't buy drinks for everyone else. Here's the Reddit post that has sparked a golf debate far more fierce than the "Who should win PGA Tour POY?" one.
Combing through the comments (Always an interesting experience!), this guy has to feel pretty good about the responses he's getting. Most people seem to be on his side for a few reasons. 1.) He treated his foursome; 2.) Buying drinks for 50 guys seems a bit extreme; 3.) No one should tell someone else how to spend their own money. Unless, they're a financial advisor being paid to do so.
As many point out, a lot of places—in particular, Japan—have hole-in-one insurance that people pay into so that they're covered if they do make an ace. But that wasn't the case here.
Could this guy have told the rest of his league, "Drinks on me!"? Sure, he could have. But again, it's not like he skipped out altogether. And, if true, his choice certainly doesn't warrent "getting on someone's ass" over. Do you really need a free beer that badly?
Anyway, we're no closer to answering another question: Just how much should you be on the hook for if you make an ace? Unfortunately, this guy will probably have a bad rep around his league now—at least, for now with some of the members (old heads). But fortunately, he'll also have that hole-in-one forever.