The Loop

Tourists in Iceland keep confusing this random office for a penis museum

Listen, work is hard enough as it is. You're on deadline, maybe a little hungover, and oh look your co-workers are recapping The Bachelor again. But if you think that's bad, just imagine trying to TCB (Take Care of Bizness) with a bunch of tourists wandering up to your cubicle asking if this is the penis museum, because that's exactly what employees of the Reykjavík International Film Festival have been putting up with for years.

Located down the street from The Icelandic Phallological Museum, RIFF employees have been repeatedly forced to refer curious travelers to the genital paradise down the street. Fed up with the distraction, however, employees finally put their foot down this week, affixing some helpful penis museum directions to their office door:

"You can't miss it. It has the big penis logo," is easily the greatest use of the english language this week, but if you're doubting the authenticity of this little 8x12 sheet of Twitter virality, this random internet hero chimed in to corroborate with his own reproductive organ odyssey:

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The moral of the story? If you're headed to the Icelandic capital in the near future (it's one of THE hot travel destinations on earth, so there's a chance you actually might be), make sure to look for the building with the dick on it before you go knocking on random doors.
