Whisper Rock
John Hawkins' Golf World cover story on Whisper Rock G.C. met your approval. Here are two of many comments we've received about this "pro's club."
Dear Editor:>
Outstanding article on Whisper Rock! I had the pleasure of playing as a guest about 18 months ago.>
I have been blessed and played some fine courses from the Philippines to Germany while I was on active duty, but nothing compares to Whisper Rock. The condition of the course, practice area, the superb staff made it a wonderful experience!
Norm Phillips
Surprise, Arizona
I almost wrote you last week about your article on Corey Pavin, as I think this belongs in a tabloid. Then you write the article on Whisper Rock GC. This article is just the kind that I want to read in Gold World. As a lifelong member of country clubs (I have been paying my own dues since I was 18) more articles about clubs and club life would really interest me. Going back to Sports Illustrated in the 50s and I remember reading similar articles. I'll bet little has changed. I've been taking Golf World for more than 30 years and I remember the "Tips from the Pros." I'd like to see that come back. You guys have access to the pros and their drills, methods of practicing, etc, I think that would really interest readers like me. Periodically you could run a profile of a tour player, his drills, his tips, and I'll bet the readers would enjoy this. Being an avid golfer, I'll probably take Golf World until I run out of air to breathe. Anyway, these are my thoughts.
Buck Leigh
Columbia, SC
Gentlemen, thank you for those comments. We liked John Hawkins' Whisper Rock story a lot, too. Not many writers today get the kind of access John enjoyed in reporting that story. Though Golf World may not revive "Tips from the Pros", as reader Leigh suggests--that's Golf Digest's role, we believe--the staff will cover the touring pros' work on their own games, and that will frequently yield swing thoughts and tips that might be useful to readers.
--Bob Carney