
Whisper Rock

January 27, 2009

John Hawkins' Golf World cover story on Whisper Rock G.C. met your approval. Here are two of many comments we've received about this "pro's club."



Dear Editor:>

Outstanding article on Whisper Rock! I had the pleasure of playing as a guest about 18 months ago.>

I have been blessed and played some fine courses from the Philippines to Germany while I was on active duty, but nothing compares to Whisper Rock. The condition of the course, practice area, the superb staff made it a wonderful experience!


Norm Phillips

Surprise, Arizona

I almost wrote you last week about your article on Corey Pavin, as I think this belongs in a tabloid. Then you write the article on Whisper Rock GC. This article is just the kind that I want to read in Gold World. As a lifelong member of country clubs (I have been paying my own dues since I was 18) more articles about clubs and club life would really interest me. Going back to Sports Illustrated in the 50s and I remember reading similar articles. I'll bet little has changed. I've been taking Golf World for more than 30 years and I remember the "Tips from the Pros." I'd like to see that come back. You guys have access to the pros and their drills, methods of practicing, etc, I think that would really interest readers like me. Periodically you could run a profile of a tour player, his drills, his tips, and I'll bet the readers would enjoy this. Being an avid golfer, I'll probably take Golf World until I run out of air to breathe. Anyway, these are my thoughts.

Buck Leigh

Columbia, SC

Gentlemen, thank you for those comments. We liked John Hawkins' Whisper Rock story a lot, too. Not many writers today get the kind of access John enjoyed in reporting that story. Though Golf World may not revive "Tips from the Pros", as reader Leigh suggests--that's Golf Digest's role, we believe--the staff will cover the touring pros' work on their own games, and that will frequently yield swing thoughts and tips that might be useful to readers.

--Bob Carney