'The Cigar Guy' takes his act to morning TV
Andy Warhol's oft-repeated phrase about everyone being world-famous for 15 minutes didn't take into account people featured in countless Photoshopped images buzzing across the Internet (this might have something to do with the fact that Andy Warhol died in 1987). Because when it comes to those people, their 15 minutes can stretch into weeks.
Such is the case with the infamous "Cigar Guy", whose remarkable notoriety has now been expanded to network TV. As we learned last week, the odd character first photographed in a wig and bushy mustache at the Ryder Cup is in fact Rupesh Shingadia, a 30-year-old investment analyst from London.
Judging by his appearance on the "Today Show" on Friday, Shingadia is just a regular guy. Or at least a regular guy by the standards of men who decide to attend golf tournaments in a fake wig and mustache.
-- Sam Weinman