Team USA has headcovers with the Declaration of Independence on them
Patriotism is at an all-time high during the Presidents Cup and Ryder Cup. We only get one team event per year where the pros represent their country.
And it looks like Team USA is taking it up a notch with these Declaration of Independence headcovers.
Insert your Nicolas Cage/National Treasure joke here. To us, these are an awesome idea. Patriotism, baby!
Another new idea for each player's bag looks pretty cool, too. The amount of trophies on your bag indicates how many Presidents Cups you've played in.
We'll hand it to the PGA Tour. Small little things like this add a level of interest to the Presidents Cup that should help it.
Kind of like the superhero avatars released by the tour? Zach Johnson had some fun when asked about his today.
Bravo for the creativity by the tour on a couple different levels here.