TaylorMade takes 'simple' approach with Ghost Spider Si putter
The project name inside headquarters at TaylorMade for the company's latest counterbalanced putter -- Ghost Spider Si -- was Simple Spider. It summarized the challenge the R&D team faced in extending its line of oversize, complex-construction, high-moment-of-inertia (MOI) putters.
"The question was, 'Can we make something simpler, something easier to look at for some, and still get the mass properties?' " says Bret Wahl, vice president of product development for irons and putters. "Not the easiest thing to do, but I think we ended up in a very good spot."

The counterbalanced model ($200, in lengths of 35 and 38 inches) has a 380-gram head and a 15-inch, 130-gram grip.