Report: Stimulus Package Excludes Golf
In a recent article in Golf World, contributing writer Geoff Shackelford speculated about whether efforts by President Barack Obama and his administration to jump-start the economy might include golf.
It didn't take long to get the answer: No.
CNN reports that Congress has drawn up a specific list of projects specifically excluded from the proposed $825 billion stimulus package. That list includes zoos, aquariums, swimming pools and casinos -- and golf courses. The language of the stimulus bill stipulates the money should be used only for infrastructure projects of the "highest quality."
"The purpose of this bill is to direct funding at projects that are primarily and clearly aimed at benefiting the economic conditions of communities and the public at large," the bill states. "The federal government and all other levels of government are directed to look with a skeptical eye at projects that don't meet that test."
Golf facilities, apparently, don't meet the test.
-- G.R.