Readers React to Year-End Issues
Dear Editor:>
Your > article on Corey Pavin was great—I just don't understand why Larry Nelson has been overlooked to serve as captain. Â He is a combat veteran who taught himself to play outstanding golf from Ben Hogan's book and won three majors. It is a shame that he hasn't had the honor. Any thoughts?
Dennis W. Calhoun
Columbus, Georgia
Interesting, I asked the same question of the Golf World editors about Nelson. The answer came down to timing: Right now, his time has passed, they said; back then, the time was right for other candidates, such as his Ryder Cup partner, Lanny Wadkins or Tom Watson. Couldn't agree more with your assessment, however. Besides his majors, Nelson holds an outstanding Ryder Cup record, including a perfect 5-0 mark in the 1979 Matches. Could the quiet Larry Nelson lead the likes of AK and Boo? I sure think so.
Dear Editor:>
My congratulations to John Hawkins. His story, > "The Playoff", for Newsmakers of the Year, was undoubtedly the best sports article I have ever read.>
J. R. Clark>
Hendersonville, NC
Please, no more letters like this. We like to keep the Hawk gnarly and angry.
Dear Editor:>
Your unique suggestion [View from the Bunker, Dec. 12] that the players donate two percent of their winnings to the benefiting charity of the tournaments should definitely include the writers for Golf World making their living off golf.
Rudy Weber
Lincolnshire, Illinois
Touche. If we're going to talk the talk, we oughta' walk the walk. On the subject of giving, you might be interested in a new book by Syracuse Professor Arthur C. Brooks, Who Really Cares: America's Charity Divide: Who Gives, Who Doesn't, and Why It Matters. He found that low-income Americans tend to give the highest portion of their earnings to charity....
New Year's resolutions, anyone?
--Bob Carney