PGA Tour player at DFW Airport discovers football trumps golf, even the Ryder Cup

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Ryder Cup fever is not contagious, as one PGA Tour player discovered in a layover at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport on Sunday.
Bryce Molder had 2 ½ hours to kill there en route from his home in the Phoenix area to Arkansas for a golf event. So he decided to find an airport television that was showing the Ryder Cup.
Now, golf aficionados might have concluded that as exciting as the Ryder Cup promised to be on Sunday that sports fans everywhere would be tuning in. They would have been wrong.
Molder was ruefully reminded that football is still king, notably in Texas and an airport that features a Dallas Cowboys Club and Restaurant.
“I went searching all over the airport for any place with a television that would have golf on,” he told columnist David McCollum of the Log Cabin Democrat newspaper in Conway, Ark. “Everywhere was football.
“I finally found a place that had the tournament on and I watched a little bit. After about an hour or so, one of the folks at the place said he was sorry, he would have to switch to pro football because they had an agreement to show football on Sunday.
“I tried to get streaming on my iPad and everything. I ended up watching the highlights that night when I got to Arkansas.”