
News for a Monday

July 20, 2009

'Did Did Tom Watson's Energy Drink on 18 Tee Cost Him the Open?'

So asks this headline on The writer Karen Fish obliquely explains that some sports drinks are said to produce a rush, followed by a crash. Watson drank from a bottle that apparently contained a sports drink on the 18th tee on Sunday.

Fish writes: "The high rush would be the nuked 8 iron on 18 and the crash would be Tom Watson's Van de Veldian shaky wobbly punch drunk performace in the 4 hole playoff."

Bored Brits cite golf on television among the reasons

A study conducted by said that Britons will spend two years of their lives "feeling completely and utterly bored with life," according to this story in the Telegraph. Listed among the top 50 things that bored them on a daily basis: Golf on television (Sunday's final round of the British Open excepted, of course).

Bethpage Black, the music

A Canadian rock band that calls itself The Got To Get Got has released its first album, entitled Sahalee, after the renowned country club in Sammammish, Wash., site of the U.S Senior Open in 2010 (and the PGA Championship in 1998). It features a song called "Bethpage Black," which can be heard here.

To boot, one of the band members is Mark Colavecchia, apparently no relation to the PGA Tour player of nearly the same name.

'Texans' Schaub accidentally hits woman in head with golf ball'

We're glad the headline at cleared that up, that quarterback Matt Schaub 'accidentally' beaned a woman by the 17th hole of final round of the American Century Championship at Edgewood Tahoe on Sunday. Otherwise, we'd have surmised that he hit her noodle intentionally from 190 yards, which would have been an extraordinary feat of sharpshooting.

-- John Strege