More on Our Tiger Coverage
Whoa, Nelly. The comments about our "over-coverage" of Tiger's return won't quit. You are ornery, my dears.

Dear Editor,>
Why do we have to when we pick up a magazine or tune into a broadcast have to: 1) be constantly chided that we would be happier if Tiger is playing or winning; 2) subjected to reviews of how Tiger played earlier in the week or for heaven's sake, in 2000?
Please tell Mr. Johnny Miller that at least one golf fan cannot stand his arrogance.
Jack Hamilton,
Oakfield, WI
Johnny, arrogant? You must be mistaken!
Some of you replied directly to Golf World's March 2 cover line: "Miss Me?" The most succinct:
Dear Editor,>
In reply to the question, the answer is No!
Barbara Joan Stiles
via email
These writers, as well as Tiger devotees, might be interested Peter Jacobson comments on the Tiger issue in an interview with Scott and BR on XX Sports Radio, San Diego. (Thanks to Jimmy Shapiro of Zucker Media for pointing us to the Sports Radio Interviews site for it.
Q: On the current state of the PGA — is it, "No Tiger, no interest?"
PJ: That's really one of the problems everybody talks about, with a player like Tiger Woods coming along every 100 or 200 years. The problem is, for every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction. For every fan that falls in love with Tiger — and they're probably across the board — if you asked every golf fan who his favorite player is, about 98 percent of them are going to say, Tiger Woods.' The problem that evolves is that if Tiger's not there, nobody cares about the event. I just think that we, as the PGA Tour, need to start creating these superstars that are playing against Tiger.
Q: What's the secret to creating those complementary superstars?
PJ: It's to try to teach these young players that are turning professional today a little perspective. Whether it's the NFL, Major League Baseball, hockey or golf...look, guys, you're turning pro because you're good at a game. You're not curing cancer or saving lives. Show some personality when you have the opportunity. I'm not saying you've got to run down the field, or be over every five-foot putt laughing and joking, but when the opportunity arises, let the people know you're having a good time and enjoying yourself.
For the record I thought the Accenture final match was great and enjoyed the heck out of Ogilvy and Casey. But ratings are ratings and buzz is buzz. Tiger may not be the solution, but he sure ain't the problem.
--Bob Carney