
More approachable Woods emerging to fans

April 06, 2010

A pair of Augusta teenagers put the new, kinder, gentler, more fan-friendly Tiger Woods to the test on Tuesday. And he passed with flying colors.

Ada Dolan, 13, and her friend, Ivie Teston, 14, were making the most of their  clubhouse passes when they encountered Woods walking to his courtesy car. He was accompanied by three security guards and PR guy Glenn Greenspan. The girls asked for and received a picture with the world's No. 1 player.

"We were waiting for him at the driving range and got his autograph on our hats,'' explained Dolan. "We started walking to the clubhouse to get a drink (bottled water) when both of us approached him. He was happy to take the picture with us.''

"He is really a nice guy,'' said Ada's mother Cathy, detailing how the girls had unabashedly asked for autographs from and photos with several other stars, including Phil Mickelson and Arnold Palmer.

There is a level of truth to rumors of the bold security measures Masters officials have taken to keep the tournament paparazzi-free, according to a guard who requested anonymity.

Apparently, sheriff deputies on duty at the Masters received photos of eight of the most notorious scandal sheet reporters and "entertainment'' show talking heads.

"They were told to be on the lookout for these people,'' the security

guard said. "If they show up here they will be escorted out.''

*-- Pete McDaniel