
Let he who is in good shape....

November 16, 2008

In the November 7 issue Golf World ran a "Lipouts" quote from Jack Vettriano, a celebrated Scottish artist, on being asked by the National Galleries of Scotland to paint a portrait of Colin Montgomerie:


"I'm afraid the answer is no. I don't do men with breasts."


As expected, we got a letter of protest, the first, I suspect, of several. It came from "Coleman" via email:


Before you print another personal insult like the one directed at Montie, I sugges you have the male staff at Golfworld line up, shirtless, and ask each one whether he would like you to write about his physique. By printing the comment, your comment becomes the lipout.


How did you know, Coleman, that such a line-up would not be a pretty site? You're right, of course: The fact that someone else said it doesn't mean we bear no responsibility in printing it. I don't like the quote and think your "Golden Rule" for weighing the publication of such quotes is a sound one. On the basis of my own physique, I'll say it was unnecessary.

--Bob Carney