Leave it to the Chargers to be the only NFL team to crush its uniform reveal
There's been a number of new uniform reveals from NFL teams prior to this week's draft, and almost all of them have fallen flat, or worse, been flat-out atrocious. Looking at you, Atlanta Falcons:
Aside from the retros on the far right, these all STINK, which is too bad, because the Falcons have had some great unis over the years. Tampa Bay, Atlanta's division rival, fared a bit bitter on the ol' Twitter machine with its reveal:
Essentially, the Bucs just went back to the Super Bowl-winning threads and added a brown color rush set. But the big letdown was no creamsicle, which the Bucs seemed to be teasing fans with leading up to the reveal. So while these blasts from the past are good, it's not what everyone truly wanted.
Then there was the Cleveland Browns, who scrapped that god-awful "CLEVELAND" from the front of their jerseys and sort of just went back to their old uniforms:
As if 2020 wasn't weird enough, even the six-time Super Bowl champion New England Patriots made a uniform change, and it was pretty underwhelming to say the least:
The latest uniform reveal came on Tuesday morning, and it's been by far the most anticipated reveal for any fanbase in the league. For months, the L.A. Chargers have been threatening a full-on return to the powder blues with yellow pants, and the franchise delivered and then some with its reveal. There are six different combinations, each one more scalding hot than the last:
Here's a better look at all six sets - two home, two away and two color rush:
Yup. A big collective YUP from not only the entire Chargers fanbase (which exists I guess) but every other fanbase in the NFL. There's not a single complaint with any of these. Numbers back on the helmets, yellow pants, keeping the navy for the color rush. They covered literally every base there was to cover. The only drawback is that Philip Rivers doesn't get to wear them. That makes me sad.