Judge dismisses Giuliani suit against Duke
A federal judge Tuesday officially dismissed former Duke golfer Andrew Giuliani's lawsuit against the school and former Blue Devil coach__O.D. Vincent__.
Judge__William Osteen Jr.__ ruled that offers to lure Giuliani to the Durham, N.C., school to play college golf did not constitute an "enforceable contract."
Giuliani had filed a suit in July 2008 in which he argued that Vincent, who took over the program after the death of longtime coach Rod Myers in 2007, did not provide notice before indefinitely suspending the then junior from the team early in 2008 and that Vincent manufactured accusations against Giuliani to justify kicking him off the team permanently.
Giuliani claimed that Vincent didn't have the authority to unilaterally suspend him and that Vincent offered no chance for Giuliani to defend himself. He also argued that Myers promised him an opportunity to compete and a right to use Duke's athletic facilities, something Giuliani felt would be of help in pursuing a career as a professional golfer and something he was attempting to regain in the trial, along with monetary damages.
While the case was in litigation, Vincent separately stepped down from the coaching post to take a job in the athletic department at his alma mater, the University of Washington.
"We are gratified the court agreed that our coaches have the authority to dismiss a student-athlete from an intercollegiate sports team in circumstances such as those present in this case," said Michael Schoenfeld, Duke's VP for public affairs and government relations.