WM Phoenix Open

TPC Scottsdale (Stadium Course)

    Inside the Hot List

    Hot List 2025: Explaining Top 5s and Vector Ratings

    January 21, 2025

    In addition to our overall star ratings in Performance and Look/Sound/Feel, we also ask our player testers to provide their input in two other dimensions that you will see in the individual club writeups. One is Top 5 ratings by handicap group, and the others are the descriptive "Vector Ratings," which are displayed with a sliding scale. 

    For the Top 5 ratings, first, we look at the collective average of all the players' scores for the Look or Sound/Feel criterion to determine the clubs that finished with one of the Top 5 highest average scores in either Look or Sound/Feel, based on one of our three handicap groups: Low, Middle and High. (For our purposes, "Low" refers to our players with handicaps of 5 or less; "Middle" is players between 5 and 10 handicap; "High" is players with a handicap over 10. 

    So you will see in the club writeups a mention of a club that earned a "Top 5" average score for a particular handicap group in "Look" or "Sound/Feel." It works similarly for the Performance criterion. Once a player has hit all the clubs in a category, he or she is asked to rank in order his or her top-five clubs in that category in terms of overall Performance. We have aggregated those rankings to determine the clubs in that category that appeared in the most “Top 5” rankings, separated by each handicap group.


    Another area you will see ratings are what we call “vectors.” These are generally meant to be descriptive ratings about a certain characteristic of a club, and in many cases these are not bad/good evaluations but characterizations. (The exceptions would be the "Forgiveness" vector and the three Performance-related vectors in Wedges.) They reflect the average rating of our group of 32 players, based on a 1-5 scale. (The graphics for the vectors reflect ratings where a “1” is on the extreme left side of the graphic and a “5” is on the extreme right side of the graphic.) Here is a description of the various vector ratings for each club category.


    AESTHETICS: 1 = Plain, 5 = Elaborate. “Plain” involves no distinctive markings, almost disguised, unrecognizable. “Elaborate” would include extensive etchings, alignment cues and artwork.

    ACOUSTICS: 1 = Quieter, 5 = Louder. “Quiet” is almost soundless, felt more than heard, an electric car. “Loud” dominates the conversation, a Harley at full-throttle.

    SENSORY: 1 = Softer, 5 = Firmer. “Softer” is cushioned, not springy, like a couch cushion that gives a bit more than you expected. “Firm” is a meat tenderizer on a flank steak atop a carving board made of hornbeam.

    LAUNCH: 1 = Lower, 5 = Higher. “Lower” is like a stinger, below optimal height but with the velocity of a liner back up the middle. “Higher” rises surprisingly quickly and floats well above the expected height.

    FORGIVENESS: 1 = Least, 5 = Most. “Least” describes significantly penalized mis-hits, well short of the intended target. “Most” implies consistent ball speeds for an array of impact locations across the face.


    In addition to AESTHETICS and SENSORY above, players provide Performance Scores in the three areas of wedge play.

    FULL SWING: 1 = Poor, 5 = Excellent. The performance of this wedge on full shots, emphasizing ease of use, distance control and tightness of dispersion.

    SAND: 1 = Poor, 5 = Excellent. The performance of this wedge on bunker shots, long and short. Optimizing spin and controlling runout are paramount.

    GREENSIDE: 1 = Poor, 5 = Excellent The performance of this wedge on chips and pitches of varying length. Ease of optimizing spin and controlling runout are paramount.


    In addition to AESTHETICS, ACOUSTICS, and SENSORY above, putters receive vector ratings in two additional areas.

    HEFT: 1 = Lighter, 5 = Heavier. How easily the club moves during the swing. “Light” is airy, almost like a shaft without a clubhead. “Heavy” is more like a sledgehammer, with the head or entire club dragging through the air.

    ALIGNMENT: 1 = Modest, 5 = Aggressive. How overt are the aiming features? “Modest” implies an extreme simplicity, even no markings. “Aggressive” suggests multiple levels of alignment, perhaps even a setup process.