Cheaper Thrills: A new, low-cost golf ball
From the Dec. 18 edition of Golf Digest Stix:

"Parity Situation": Hopkins says the USGA has given him an opening.
Greg Hopkins used to talk about getting into the ball business when he was the CEO of Cleveland Golf. Now that Hopkins is running his own company, it's really happening. The USGA's equipment rules have "created a parity situation we can take advantage of," he says. His new three-piece, Surlyn-covered Hopkins VL Pro ball ($20 a dozen) is as good as bigger brand names, he says, but sold "at factory-direct pricing."
Hopkins Golf's press release focuses on the price advantage, noting that your bad shots will be "lost in the same place as a four-dollar tour ball, but it will have cost you less than two bucks." Quite a bit less, if you buy in bulk. An order of eight dozen works out to about $15 a dozen.