Golfer hits an errant shot, then autographs a glove for homeowner like a tour pro
We all pretend to be tour pros at one point or another. Maybe it's your swing, a pre-shot routine, a Tiger-esque fist pump...anything.
This is taking the pro golfer emulation to the next level.
The golfer in the below video says he hit an errant shot at a course in Myrtle Beach, and as he retrieved his ball from the lady's lawn, autographed his glove for the homeowner. You can watch below as he runs over to the lady's yard to deliver his signed glove to her.
After the growing number of tour pros who have hit and signed for fans in the galleries, we suppose this was bound to be captured and shared on social media eventually. But it doesn't make it any less absurd, which Beatty said happened at the International Club in Myrtle Beach.
When we asked Beatty what the lady's reaction was from the video, he said: "After I asked if everyone was OK, she was pretty surprised/excited and said, 'Wow, thanks!' I think she yelled to her husband, too."
Just another happy customer.
(h/t @NoLayingUp)